430 people on file

M George Billerman Billerman

Born on 00/09/1865
Died on 04/07/1894
Son of Theo Billerman Billerman (Born 00/00/1832) and Lissie ? (Born 00/00/1832)
Children with
Anna Matilda Schratz Schratz (20/02/1855 - 11/04/1920)
M Frank Theodore Billerman Billerman (18/12/1886 - 04/02/1978)
F Bertha Elizabeth Billerman Billerman (16/11/1889 - 27/08/1981)
F Emma Billerman Billerman (10/08/1892 - 10/01/1894)
F Theressa Billerman Billerman (Born 00/00/1866)
F Mary Billerman Billerman (Born 00/00/1868)
M Henry Billerman Billerman (Born 00/00/1872)
M John Billerman Billerman (Born 00/00/1873)


Anna Matilda Schratz Schratz on


Died in Arkansas. Was Shot by a P.H. Foley. His brother Henry was with him. Need to research this as it is from a Helen Rhodes. Sherry Tarver, daughter of Cora Vest, indicates that George Billerman may have been known as George Bitterman. There is an article in "The Daily Star, Marion Ohio" that tells of and attempted arson on the unfinished home of a George Bitterman who owned a saloon.

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