430 people on file

M Uriah Amason Amason

Born on 00/00/1857
Son of Elisha Amason Amason (Born 00/00/1820) and Ary Ann Ann
F Martha Amason Amason (Born 00/00/1847)
F Emma Amason Amason (Born 00/00/1855)


NOTE: In the 1880 census of Shelby County, Texas, Uriah Amason's relationship to head of household, A.A Amason, widow, is noted as nephew. Could this Uriah be a son of "Washington Amason (Uriah1, UriahII), who has not been located to date, or a brother of William Franklin Amason, son of Rufus Amason and wife, Mary Ann,. Perhaps the relationship was simply misstated in the census and Uriah was the son of Elisha Amason and wife Ary Ann.

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