430 people on file

M Mathew Amason Amason

Born on 00/00/1814
Son of Uriah Amason II Amason II (00/00/1790 - 00/00/1848) and Elizabeth Rachels Rachels (Born 00/00/1790)
Children with
Lousia ? (00/00/1811 - 00/00/1880)
F Mary I. Amason Amason (Born 00/00/1830)
M James Amason Amason (Born 00/00/1836)
F Margaret A. Amason Amason (Born 00/00/1838)
M William Amason Amason (Born 00/00/1840)
F Louisa Amason Amason (Born 00/00/1842)
F Susan Amason Amason (Born 00/00/1844)
M George Amason Amason (Born 00/00/1848)
F Rebecca Amason Amason (Born 00/00/1851)
M Washington Amason Amason
M Jesse Amason Amason (00/00/1810 - 08/03/1870)
F Nancy Amason Amason (Born 00/00/1817)
M Elisha Amason Amason (Born 00/00/1820)
M Rufus Amason Amason (00/00/1829 - 00/00/1866)


(Born about 1814 in Georgia; Died about 1868 in Nacogdoches County, Texas) Matthew Amason's wife was Louisa (Born about 1811 in Georgia; Died after 1880, probably in Nacogdoches County, Texas). The will of Mathew's father UriahIIAmason, dated in 1848 in the records of Montgomery County, Alabama, directed Mathew to sell the property where he lived. In 1849, Mathew Amason and wife, Louisa, sold property in Monroe County, Alabama, probably as directed in his father's will. At the time of the U. S. census enumeration in 1850, Mathew Amason, wife, Louisa, and family were living near his mother, Elizabeth Amason, and his two younger brothers, Elisha and Rufus Amason, in Montgomery County, Alabama. At the time of the 1860 U. S. census, the families of Mathew Amason, Elizabeth Amason, and Rufus Amason were not located in Montgomery County, Alabama or elsewhere. Perhaps they eluded the census taker!! Matthew Amason may have enlisted in a Louisiana unit of the Army of the Confederate States of America and served a few months in 1862. Two months after he was discharged, the name Mathew Amerson appeared in records in Nacogdoches County, Texas. By 1862, Mathew Amason and family had relocated to Nacogdoches County, Texas. Mathew Amason was listed in voter lists, tax lists and land records until 1868. His family may have resided in Louisiana before 1862. Daughter, Margaret Ann Amason married James Claiborne Norris before 1859 either in Louisiana or Texas. Daughters, Susan, Louisa, and son, George Amason, marriage records are found in the records of Nacogdoches County, Texas. In 1870 at the time of the U. S. census, although listed as Eliza Amasson, I believe it is Louisa (the age is correct) and daughter, Rebecca Amason, who were living with George Amasson (sic) and family in Nacogdoches County, Texas. In the 1880 U. S. census of Nacogdoches County, Texas, L. Amorson, a widow, age 79, born in Georgia, was listed as a head of household with daughter, R. Amorson, age 26, born in Alabama and granddaughter, L. Amorson, age 4, born in Texas. Son, George Amason, and his wife, Emer, are not listed in that census.

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